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First WorldCup of the season in Portugal

On the 25th and 26th of May was the first F3A WorldCup from the 2019 season in Leiria, Portugal. It´s around 130 km north from Lisbon close to the Atlantic.
From our club was not only myself attending this event, also Daniel Setzer who come back to F3A competitions after almost 20 years.

On Thursday we flew with our team from Frankfurt to Lisbon. All except me started 6 A.M. with Ryanair. My flight was around 2h later with Lufthansa, because I took the big box with the 2 airplanes inside.

Arrived in the hotel, we assembled the planes and took the rental cars to explore the area around. For the dinner we found an excellent restaurant directly on the Atlantic, recommended by Rui Ferrera. So the first day was a real success !

Friday was very windy but a perfect day for practice. The competition started Saturday morning.
There were 21 Pilots from Spain, Portugal, Israel, Germany and Brazil. Peter Uhlig was part of the Judging team together with 2 Spanish and 2 Portuguese judges. Roland Podevin from France was there to run his Notaumatic calculating programe which worked fast and excellent.

Daniel flew very well on saturday and ended up this day at 11th. On sunday he went back one position and finished the competition with a fantastic 12th place.

For me it was a tough battle with Juan Rombaut for the win. Saturday I was very close in pole position, after the finals we changed the positions and he won, I became second. 3rd place was 14-year old very talented Yuval Ben Israel from Israel.

It was also great, that my friend and boss of CM-Jets (one of our partners) Carlos Marquez visit us there and spend one evening with us!

At the end it was a very valuable weekend with a lot of fun, nice people, perfect weather and superb food in nice community! We would really like to come back next year!

A special thank you goes to Filipe Dinis Bernardino for driving my box from the airport to the hotel, the support there and the organization of this nice competition!

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MULTIPLEX Airshow 2019

At the weekend from 18th and 19th of May was the MULTIPLEX Airshow which took place for the 4th time at the airfield of Bruchsal.
This time it was my first attendance in this event. Even I´m not a MULTIPLEX teampilot they invited me as a “friend of the house MULTIPLEX” and received me with great hospitality.
In the airshow I was flying Pilatus PC-21 and my electric GeeBee and also MULTIPLEX airplanes for dropping candies for childrens.
It was a well-mixed flight program with hundreds of highlights from the rc-scene and entertainingly and divertingly commented by Bernd Beschorner, Manfred Greve, Uwe Grenda and Lukas Nakir.

It was one of the best airshows ever!
Perfect organization, fantastic people, good weather and many exciting small talks.

Thank you MULTIPLEX for this event and the warm hospitality!

Thanks to Andreas and Uli, for the amazing pictures!

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20 years Hacker Motor GmbH

On saturday, 23rd of March, Mr. Hacker invited to his 20-year-jubilee of Hacker Motor in Ergolding.

A great event with famous guests, interesting guids through the company and an exhibition of their projects in RC-business and industry made this day to one of the highlights in 2019.
Even the weather was perfect with a deep blue sky and warm temperatures, maybe also a merit of the past 20 years.

What started in the loft of his families´ house is nowadays a mid-sized company with almost 40 employees and projects around the world.

For more than 10 years I am Pilot for Hacker Motor. Since my beginning I trusted in the products from Bavaria. When I look back, that was probably my best decision I made in my rc-career. I am more than proud to be part of this team since that long time.

For some time Hacker Motor is also the exclusive distributor in Europe for my RT DESIGN models- nothing better could happen to me!

At this jubilee last week we took the chance to introduce my latest design coming this summer the market:  Acrostar mk2 XL – the big brother of our 6S successor came to the market last year.

(More information about this plane coming soon.)

Again congratulations to Rainer Hacker for 20 years of Hacker Motor GmbH!
I´m looking forward to the next 20 😉

China im November 2018

After my tripto China in April, I had the chance to go there once more end of this year. In that time there was China´s biggest airshow which takes part every two years in Zhuhai. It was possible to spend one day at this event to check out some beautiful aircrafts and amazing flight displays.
From Zhuhai I went to some factories to check out their shop, the work and their airplanes. In that time we traveled over 2000 km with the car and train. Between the days in the factories I had the chance to spend one day together with Chinese F3A pilots on the airfield to fly and setup their planes.
At the end of my tour I spent three days in FALCON to see the latest stand of KARAT and gave a presentation to all workers involved in the project and informed them what happened in the past and what is next.
After nine exciting days in China I went back to Germany.

Here are a few pictures from my trip:

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Faszination Modellbau 2018 and Airshow “Stars des Jahres”

This year I was back at the Faszination Modellbau from 1st-4th November taking place in Friedrichshafen as every year. Last year I could not taking part due to the F3A World Championship in Argentina. This year was the airshow “Stars des Jahres” on three days, friday till sunday, so one day more than in the years before.
I was part at the airshow and flew the Pilatus PC-21 and KARAT biplane.

Andreas Maier hat made some sensational pictures of Pilatus and KARAT- you need to check them!

Markus Nussbaumer made an excellent video of the Pilatus PC-21- absolutely worth seeing!

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German Champion class F3A 2018 with KARAT biplane!

On the weekend of the 15th and 16th September was the first and only time the german championship took place in MFC Hameln-Lachem. Due to differences in the DMFV and DAeC and a lot of rumors and instigation in the internet, the common competitions were already history after two years. However it was nice to see that during the DAeC competition the focus was on the aerobatics and on the companionship, so everyone could put their attention to the flights. The great weather and the efforts of the host club to make everyone feel comfortable, made the seasonal final a great success. 
On Saturday two complete rounds of P19 were flown. The third round was also flown 2/3 that day. On Sunday after the last third of the preliminary round was completed, and the problems with the Notaumatic scoring system were resolved, the top 15 pilots were able to fly two rounds F19 in the final. 
At the End I was a proud and happy winner of the german championship for the 7th time in a row.
The title is very special to me because it was the first time I took part with my own designed KARAT biplane.
The silver and bronze medals went to Christian Niklass and Nils Brückner. Gregor Wetzel won 
the juniors league ahead of Max Chrubasik and Marvin Ahlborn.

The formation of the national Team next year is not certain yet and will be planned by the federal commission of the DAeC.

Many thanks to the MFC Hameln-Lachem, the jury, Peter Uhlig and Raimund Schwitalla who made the DM still take place in spite of a troublesome year.


JETI model Meeting 2018

On the 18th of August JETI hosted the annual JETI model Meeting.
A few top pilots supported by JETI came to CZ for making the airshow interesting and diverting with many highlights.
Especially all those scratch build airplanes from the Czech pilots also taking part in the show are stunning and make it worth to join this event.

Martin Pilny made some really great snapshots of my Pilatus PC-21- thanks for them!

Thank you JETI model for the invitation and the awesome weekend!

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F3A European Championship Belgium

F3A Europameisterschaft in Grandrieu, Belgium 19.- 28. Juli 2018


Heiko Sommer

Gregor Wetzel, RANK 34

Christian Niklaß, RANK 8
Robert Forster, RANK 16
Robin Trumpp, RANK 7

Constantly changeable weather conditions sometimes about 35 degrees C bothered not only the judges but also impacted the technology in a way. Also consistently hot temperatures and sometimes very changeable conditions, made the European Championship a real challenge for all participants.

After a break of four years (two EC´s), Christophe Passant Le Roux became European champion for the 9th time.
It was an honor to have had the opportunity to fly with such an exceptional pilot, but much more because he is an extraordinary and fair sportsman. Together in a team with his brother he is also a very important role model for our F3A community.

Places 2 and 3 went to Lassi Nuria (Finnland) and Gernot Bruckmann (Austria). In the team classification, France prevailed over Switzerland and Germany. The junior ranking went to Andrea Cervi (Italy) ahead of Ignace Pawlenko (Belgium) and Omer Ben Ami (Israel).


F3A WorldCup Liechtenstein 2018!

A few weeks prior to the F3A World Cup in Liechtenstein I lost my 2017 World Cup KARAT, due to an empty receiver battery. 

After a few night shifts with my father, we finished the two new KARAT biplane for the upcoming season.So one week before the Liechtenstein competition, both biplanes were complete and I was able to start my training again.

Regardless of the little practice I had before the competition, everything went surprisingly well, thanks to the even better KARAT than in the previous year.

At the end I was able to achieve the 3rd place behind Stefan Kaiser and Lassi Nurila.


A very exciting time in China!

From 14th until the 23rd of April I visited the area around Beijing to see where so much stuff of our hobby is made.
The first days I spent in the Hawk Model factory, they are the manufacturer of KARAT biplane. I visited the factory and looked all projects they are doing. But the focus of the trip was my F3A biplane. I could check the latest version of KARAT and all the weights of the parts. I also had the chance to talk and discuss details with to the responsible persons of the KARAT-project. The last day in Hawk I held a short presentation about KARAT and what is coming next.
At the free day we went to another factory where many well-known German companies produce their full-composite gliders and also some planes of Skymasterjet.
After that, we went back to Beijing to prepare the Falcon-booth for the Model Hobby Expo. I had 2 very exciting days at the fair in Bejing city where I also had the chance to made some demoflights at the indoorshow.
The same time was also the “The festival of jet in Beijing” around 50km outside of the Beijing center. On sunday I was there.
Sheng Orville, CEO of Dualsky gave me his sport jet to join this event also as a pilot- thanks for this opportunity!

On Monday I already flew back to Germany.

Thanks to all for made this trip possible, thanks for many new friends and an amazing time with you!

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