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Acrostar mk2 XL repair

Unfortunately a clubmember crashed my Acrostar and damaged the gear, the gear frame, the wing support, the landing gear covers wheelpants and cowling.
I thought about building a completely new Acrostar or just fix the fuselage.
I decided to do the second option and took some pictures during this process…


My message with this post: You don´t have to throw it away immediately 😉

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Arcus 6,06 m and DG-1000 6,66 m

After a few years without flying a scale glider, I wanted to have one again. The Arcus by Schempp-Hirth is with its unique wing shape one of the most beautiful gliders in the present so it had to be an Arcus. End of 2019 I was together with Erwin Schreiber from RC-Flight-Academy in Asia and on the flight back to Munich, 11.000 m above the ground, I placed my order for his Arcus. Right after my father joined the project and ordered a DG-1000 from him.

Due to various projects and my study we were unable to finish the gliders earlier. In a creative phase during study I drew the scheme for both gliders. Of course these 2 planes should also bear the spirit and signature of RT DESIGN. Based on this scheme I worked out another 2 versions of this livery for a new F3F glider and TSAR monoplane- more on that later!All the grey parts are 2K painted, the golden parts are realized with ORACOVER-easyplot.

As most of the customers buy the planes ready to fly, the building progress was laborius and took quite a long time. It took some effort to cut the slots and holes into the top wing of Arcus for the flap and aileron linkages. The following applied: cut and hope it was correct! All the linkages were made with high quality MP-Jet aluminum clevises and carbon tubes. The DITEX servos are all mounted in wood frames which are also available from Hacker Motor.

We wanted to install a self launching electric motor system, that we are not always dependent on a towing machine. As we have a lot of 10S packs from the F3A models, Hacker needed to arrange a power setup for 10S packs and the concept works excellent! Max current on Arcus is just around 55A and on DG-1000 it´s around 70A and a few several hundred meter climbs.

A few blowholes and areas where the white paint wnt off are needed to be mend. The good flying characterisitcs of the planes are bringing the troubles in balance. Almost no function had to be trimmed, the CG´s are reached without any extra weight in the nose, the drive dimensioning from Hacker is excellent and the super bright LED flash light make those gliders to a really successful project. Now we wait for days with good thermals to get them enough air-time!

We installed the Click-Connect system from Hacker Motor for the first time because of 5 servos in each wing plus the LED´s. That´s during building much more work, but in the end the most precious and safest solution for all the wiring and after crimping 2, 3 cables it´s quite an easy task. The result is a perfect reverse polarity protected central plug for all wires from wing to fuselage.

The power management system is a JETI model CentralBox 400 with two 2,4Ghz RSat and one 900mHz RSat. Each servo is directly connected to the CentralBox and can be programmed individually. That make the flight conditions and landing setup (airbrakes + butterfly) very easy in setting up. The CB-400 has still enough pins for the 3rd receiver and all the telemetry inputs. Telemetry from the CentralBox itself, each receiver, from the ESC (current, capacity, temperature…) and from the MVario2 are delivered in real time to the radio and gives a great overview about the safety onboard. As already installed and loved in other planes, the RC-switch is also here a must. The batteries are Hacker TopFuel ECO-X 3000mAh 2S.

I heared a lot about Tailored Pilots from England, but never had one of these pilots in my hands. After carefully checking their website it was sure that those pilots can meet our expectations. A few eMails with Wilson Li from Tailored Pilots later the order for 3 pilots were placed. What I can say after getting them is: quality, weight and detailing are surely one of the best available today. And they have a wide range of accessories to choose such as seatbelts, sunglasses, parachutes, headsets… Really nice are the RT DESIGN baseball caps he made in the correct size for our pilots.

A big “thank you” goes to Hacker MotorJETI modelFALCON and Tailored Pilots for joining this project!

Equipment (both almost the same):
Hacker / Ditex EL 3214S
KST X10 (outer wings and stab DG-1000)
JETI Central Box 400 + RC Switch
2x RSat2
1x Rsat 900Mhz
JETI MVario2
Hacker A50-14L FES Ex-Uni
Hacker A60-7M FES Ex-Uni
FALCON folding prop white 14×10 (Arcus), 19×13 (DG-1000)
JETI Mezon opto 95
Hacker / Unilight ACL-light system glider
10S Hacker TopFuel 5100 F3A
Hacker Click-Connect
Hacker/Emcotec Premium wire
Hacker Topfuel 2x 3000 2S ECO-X, 1x 1800 3S ECO-X
Tailored Pilots 1:3 und 1:3,5

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Welcome 2021!!!

Unfortunately due to my studies and COVID-19 I was unable to fulfill my 2020 wishes but it was still a good year nonetheless.
The TSAR monoplane project was unfortunately not completed in 2020,it has now been over a year and is still not finalized but I am getting closer to the end.
With that being said I would like to introduce to you the all new, TSAR monoplane from RT DESIGN.

Stay tuned for more pictures of the new highly visible colour scheme.

I would like to thank everyone for the support in 2020 and wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.




Beginning until mid of this year I was very busy due to my study. So I could not invest the time for aeromodelling as I wished to. But in the past weeks I worked up and finally after more than 1 year the new turboKARAT V2 was finished.
When my father flew turbo KARAT V1 he said “I need one”. So we shared the work and built 2 new turbo KARAT V2.

What has been changed from version 1?
– stronger and lighter turbine, now Kolibri T35
– special FIALA 5-blade wood propeller
– special exhaust pipes for the small turboprop
– all new colorscheme “bronce-NAVY”
– new Hacker / Ditex-EL Servos
– reworked LED-light-system from innoflyer
– reduced go-fly weight

JETI duplex REX12
JETI RC-Power Switch 10A
Hacker / Ditex Servos
Special FIALA 5-Blade Propeller
CM-Jets special KARAT fueltank
innoflyer light system
Kolibri T35 + turboprop

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Acrostar mk2 XL UPDATE!!!

The delivery of series product of Acrostar XL has started and here are some additional tipps / information.

The wing tube which is included in the kit, was changed due to my wish. More specifically the wall thickness has been enlarged to get a stronger tube. The new tube is also used by the manufacturer for another airplane. So It could be possible that you need to cut the tube around 10mm.

I recommend to modify the tail wheel as shown on the picture. Just one washer and no lock-nut between the bracket  and the wheel.

If you use long servo arms, it is useful to install the ball link below the servo arm. Otherwise the ball-linkage will touch the servoarm if you have big deflections.


I recommend to tape all control surfaces with flexible, transparent surgical tape.
The result is a much better effect of those functions.

RT DESIGN duplex DC-24K

It all started when I was a boy with the Graupner MC-24 gold from my father. I thought it´s a cool and beautiful radio. That time I already knew I want such a transmitter someday!
Almost 15 years later I hold a JETI duplex DC-24 in my hands, with almost each part and switch 24-carat gilded. Probably the worlds one and only DC-24 with such a finishing. The name: DC-24K.
„When modern carbon meets classy gold to end up in world’s finest radio.“

But until I had it in my hands, it was a very long way. It took more than one year until the radio was completely finish. I think with the gold color it describes the quality and valence of this product best.

"Before gilding all aluminum parts, they have to be polished to a high level gloss and after that galvanic nickel-plated. 
The quality of the aluminum polish is decisive for the final result. Finally the galvanic 24 carat gold plating takes place." 
Only with the support of good friends we could realize this exclusive unique masterpiece.
Therefore a special thank you to: Lenka, Hendrik, Jörg, Jürgen, Jakub and JETI model!

FMT-Adler-Wahl 2019


Noch bis Ende April läuft beim VTH-Verlag die Adler-Wahl 2019.  In jeder der 9 Kategorien wird der FMT-Adler verliehen.
Bei den Foamies ist die RT ULTRAmate EPP nominiert, in der Kategorie Kunstflug der Acrostar mk2 60E.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn zufriedene und überzeugte ULTRAmate- und Acrostar-Piloten sich 5 Minuten Zeit nehmen und für meine Modelle abstimmen würden.

Hier geht´s zur Abstimmung

Es gibt tolle Preise zu gewinnen 😉

Herzlichen Dank!
Robin Trumpp


Die beiden Berichte aus der FMT von Nils Brückner gibts hier nochmals zum Nachlesen!