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20 years Hacker Motor GmbH

On saturday, 23rd of March, Mr. Hacker invited to his 20-year-jubilee of Hacker Motor in Ergolding.

A great event with famous guests, interesting guids through the company and an exhibition of their projects in RC-business and industry made this day to one of the highlights in 2019.
Even the weather was perfect with a deep blue sky and warm temperatures, maybe also a merit of the past 20 years.

What started in the loft of his families´ house is nowadays a mid-sized company with almost 40 employees and projects around the world.

For more than 10 years I am Pilot for Hacker Motor. Since my beginning I trusted in the products from Bavaria. When I look back, that was probably my best decision I made in my rc-career. I am more than proud to be part of this team since that long time.

For some time Hacker Motor is also the exclusive distributor in Europe for my RT DESIGN models- nothing better could happen to me!

At this jubilee last week we took the chance to introduce my latest design coming this summer the market:  Acrostar mk2 XL – the big brother of our 6S successor came to the market last year.

(More information about this plane coming soon.)

Again congratulations to Rainer Hacker for 20 years of Hacker Motor GmbH!
I´m looking forward to the next 20 😉

RT ULTRAmate 2019 edition

After the huge success with RT ULTRAmate EPP in the past year I really wanted to present a colorscheme for this foamy which means so much to me and is part of my aeromodelling story!

We realized the scheme of my legendary 2,85m Ultimate, which I flew many years on airshow with great fun and good promotion for myself.

ULTRAmate 2019 edition

Acrostar mk2 Testberichte

Kurz vor Jahresende sind zwei tolle mehrseitige Testberichte vom Acrostar mk 2 in deutschen Fachzeitschriften erschienen.
Ralph Müller hat den Acrostar für die FlugModell Ausgabe 02/2019 getestet, Nils Brückner für den Branchenprimus FMT Ausgabe 01/2019.
Beide Autoren berichten ausführlich über den Bau, mögliche Modifikationen, aber auch das Original oder die unterschiedlichen Antriebsvarianten.

Beim Test der FlugModell ist mit mir ein kleines Interview zum Acrostar, seine Geschichte und wie es weiter geht, dabei.

Beim Test in der FMT hat Nils Brückner den Cockpitausbau näher beschrieben und sogar über die FMT einen PDF-Plan zur Verfügung gestellt, den Link zur FMT-Website gibt es hier!

Beide Testberichte sind absolut lesenswert- vielen Dank euch Beiden!

Nun danke ich allen Besuchern meiner Website und wünsche einen guten Rutsch und alles Gute für 2019!

Robin Trumpp

Tolles Bild von einem stolzen Acrostar Pilot: Bendix Bode

turbo KARAT- worlds first turboprop powered F3A biplane!

A year ago I heard that CNC Modelparts  from Switzerland offered a turboprop for the JetCat P20/ Kolibri. Immediately I decided to build a Karat with a turboprop myself. Due to the air intake at the bottom and at the top and the straight sidewall it is perfect for a turboprop conversion. Also the exhaust gas can pass through the two wings.
In December 2017 I drove to Switzerland with my JetCat P20 to pick up the Turboprop from CNC Modelparts. At the same time I shared my idea with Carlos Marquez from CM Jets in Spain, he immediately became enthusiastic about the new concept and promised me a custom made fuel tank for my model. Two weeks later I already received the new  Kevlartank  for my turbo KARAT.

FALCON received my order to build an adapter for the fuselage, which I can easily attach to the zero side thrust nose, due to the F3A Contra-Rotating-System, to receive the necessary side thrust.
At the Rotor Live Helicopter fair in Iffezheim, I discovered for the first time the innoflyer light system, which was new in the product line of Hacker Motor. I became 
impressed by the innovative, simple and efficient handling. During dinner with Andreas Golla from Hacker and Christoph Raible from innoflyer we started speaking about my special project, the turbo KARAT.
Andreas Golla suggested to equip the plane with an innoflyer lighting system. At first I had the impression he was joking, but when I realized he was serious about it I actually thought it was a great idea.
On a piece of paper I received from the waiter we determined the position of the light on the model, and ordered the parts immediately. 
After the Turboprop, all DITEX Servos and the lights were installed, the plane had to be varnished.  I was planning on an 
easy but also a bit scale finish. In addition to the KARAT I worked on a Scorpion from Aviation Design with a Patrouille Suisse color scheme, which I like a lot and it is visible in the air.
As the Turboprop and the lighting are both from Switzerland, I decided to adjust the color scheme of the Ptrouille Suisse so it matches the KARAT.
Before I installed the turbo, I painted the whole body area of the turboprop inside twice with BVM Heatshield to avoid prickly  heat in the carbon/fiberglass of the body. After everything was rewired and finished, the first flight took place in the beginning of May 2018.  Everything worked out perfectly right away. In the meantime, I had a performance problem with the turboprop, but this was due to small kevlar pieces in the kerosene filter.
The plane now has about 30 flights and everything still works fine.
At the end not the most spectacular plane I’ve ever built, but definitely one that I have the most fun with!
And just the worlds first F3A t
urboprop biplane – turbo KARAT.
Also I would like to thank everyone who was involved in this amazing project:
CM-Jets, innoflyer, CNC Modelparts, Hacker Motor, JETI model, PowerBox Systems, FALCON
« of 2 »

Many thanks to Philipp Rösner for another great video of turboKARAT!

Aktivieren Sie JavaScript um das Video zu sehen.

German Champion class F3A 2018 with KARAT biplane!

On the weekend of the 15th and 16th September was the first and only time the german championship took place in MFC Hameln-Lachem. Due to differences in the DMFV and DAeC and a lot of rumors and instigation in the internet, the common competitions were already history after two years. However it was nice to see that during the DAeC competition the focus was on the aerobatics and on the companionship, so everyone could put their attention to the flights. The great weather and the efforts of the host club to make everyone feel comfortable, made the seasonal final a great success. 
On Saturday two complete rounds of P19 were flown. The third round was also flown 2/3 that day. On Sunday after the last third of the preliminary round was completed, and the problems with the Notaumatic scoring system were resolved, the top 15 pilots were able to fly two rounds F19 in the final. 
At the End I was a proud and happy winner of the german championship for the 7th time in a row.
The title is very special to me because it was the first time I took part with my own designed KARAT biplane.
The silver and bronze medals went to Christian Niklass and Nils Brückner. Gregor Wetzel won 
the juniors league ahead of Max Chrubasik and Marvin Ahlborn.

The formation of the national Team next year is not certain yet and will be planned by the federal commission of the DAeC.

Many thanks to the MFC Hameln-Lachem, the jury, Peter Uhlig and Raimund Schwitalla who made the DM still take place in spite of a troublesome year.


KARAT biplane kit

Die first part sets for KARAT biplane have arrived and go straight to their customers.
But before I would like to show you some impressions.
The weight of all plane parts incl. battery plate, servo plate, motor plate, landing gear and pants is around 2150g.

Prices and delivery time on request or via our distributors.

Precision Aero Products

A legend is coming back- RT DESIGN Acrostar mk2!

in Farbvariante rot/gold oder lila/gold

Acrostar mk2– for some the most beautiful aerobatic design of all time, for others just a very special airplane.
In any case it is completely different than all the Extras, Edges, Yaks we already have in any size and any colour…
That´s why I said it is high time to bring back this aerobatic legend into the rc-scene!
He took the basic plane made some improvements here and there without losing the significant line of the Acrostar. The result after one year of developing time is a slightly modernized Acrostar with an incredible flight performance (even 3D capable!!!) in 2 beautiful semi-scale colour schemes. 
With the 2 different power setups by Hacker you get a perfectly equipped plane for your aspiration for every day use which brings you a lot of fun on the ground and in the air!


More information about date of delivery , retail price and more pictures coming soon!


Tipp for ULTRAmate by C. Oppliger

 Christian Oppliger from Switzerland tested ULTRAmate and has a tip for all who want to push the limits of that plane a little further.
Many thanks for the information and your help!!!


Hi Robin,

I programmed 2 mixers:

  1. Ailerons —>Throttle 8%
  2. Elevator —> Throttle 8%

Due to the high control effect of ailerons and elevators I added a mixer to this functions of 8% throttle. So the control surfaces are better flown on and the effect of them is higher.

That also means, that the plane with full deflections not brakes down that much and flies more dynamic and in extreme maneuvers even more stable. The reason for those mixers is coming from the F3P-scene where they use it actively to keep the speed constantly during rolls. I tried it in 3D models as well and found it very helpful, especially when the planes have very big control surfaces like ULTRAmate.

Best regards


Right in time for X-Mas my new foamy is available from Hacker Motor GmbH.
The ULTRAmate is the indoorplane many pilots wished for a long time.
An extreme 3D biplane but very neutral flying as well + the all-new 90° full moving stab.
Made out of very durable EPP but also very light with a go-fly weight less than 200g.

More pictures of the plane you find in the gallery.

I´m sure you will love this bird 😉


Because of the high demand the first batch is already sold out even before sale start.
Hacker is expecting supplies beginning/ mid of January!

RT Eraser V3 EPP: Airplane of the year 2017!

After 5 years and in 3rd version our design distributed by the Hacker Motor GmbH won the price airplane of the year 2017 in the category slowflyer.

RT Eraser V3 EPP was voted by the authors of famous FlugModell magazine.

At the international toy fair in Nuremberg Hacker got the diploma and the medal for this amazing award.

We are very proud of this achievement and hope that it was not our last award for airplanes designed by Robin Trumpp.
The future we plan bigger, more valuable and more beautiful, that´s what I can tell you already.